
One of the common issues I’ve continuously come across while preparing Windows 10 and Windows 2016 above operating systems for virtual desktops or remote desktop services is when sysprep fails

One of the clients I recently worked with had a requirement that all traffic traversing through the Azure Firewall need to be stored for at least 6 months due to

Two of the common questions I’ve been asked since publishing the following post over a year ago: Monitoring, Alerting, Reporting Azure AD logins and login failures with Log Analytics and

I do not often have the opportunity to do as many hands on deployment of Azure services on projects due to my role as an architect so when I do,

One of the issues I recently encountered during a Azure Virtual Desktop deployment with Teams Media Optimization was where outbound calls from the virtual desktop would display the spinning wheel

I’ve configured quite a few Teams Media Optimization with Azure Virtual Desktop as per the following Microsoft documentation in the past: Use Microsoft Teams on Azure Virtual Desktop The

One of the frequent questions I have been asked after my post: Using Microsoft Forms and Logic App to create an automated submissions and approval process for Azure AD User