
Attempting to add an Azure Function action to Consumption Logic App fails errors with: “Workflow validation failed”

For those who have tried using the function app I provided in my previous post: Setting up a Python Function App with VSCode to configure Blob Metadata stored in an Azure Storage Account May experience an issue when using the Azure Functions action: Where


Creating a Logic App that retrieves AAD sign-in events from Log Analytics and sends a report in an email with a CSV attachment and HTML table insert

Two of the common questions I’ve been asked since publishing the following post over a year ago: Monitoring, Alerting, Reporting Azure AD logins and login failures with Log Analytics and Logic Apps … is whether there was a way to: Provide the report as


Updated: Create an automated report for Office 365 / Microsoft 365 license usage with friendly names using Azure a Function App (using a system assigned managed identity) and Logic Apps

One of my colleagues who used my previous blog post: Create an automated report for Office 365 / Microsoft 365 license usage with friendly names using Azure a Function App and Logic Apps … recently informed me that his Function App would fail to