Microsoft Teams configuration automation using MS Teams Channel, Forms, Logic App and Automation Account with Runbook

One of the past projects I worked on for a client was to help them move from a Mitel PBX phone system to Microsoft Teams as their phone system. Aside from the design and implementation for the routing during the transition and cutover, a key pain point for their organization was to allow their help desk to easily configure Microsoft Teams users for Enterprise Voice. The Microsoft Teams PowerShell cmdlets required to configure a user can be easily copied and paste as the following sample:


$dialPlan = “Toronto”

$voiceRoutingPolicy = “Toronto”

$usernameUPN = “”

$extension = “tel:+141655555390;ext=390”

Set-CsUser -Identity $usernameUPN -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $true -LineURI $extension

Grant-CsTenantDialPlan -PolicyName $dialPlan -Identity (Get-CsOnlineUser $usernameUPN).SipAddress

Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity $usernameUPN -PolicyName $voiceRoutingPolicy

… but this wasn’t very friendly for the helpdesk team. What I ended up presenting to the client was to leverage the existing Microsoft 365 and Azure services they already had to provide a form for the helpdesk team to fill in that would then configure the accounts. The components required for this automation are the following:

  • MS Teams Channel
  • Forms
  • Logic App
  • Automation Account

The organization already used Teams channels heavily, which meant no training was required for the team when we created a Form that was displayed as an additional tab in a Microsoft Teams Team. Once the form is filled out and submitted, it would send the fields to a Logic App that will then execute a Runbook in and Automation Account to configure the desired user. We started off with a simple form, then added an approval notification, and finally to a customized web page. I did not get to document the settings but would like to replicate part of the configuration in the post to demonstrate the process.

What this post will provide are as follows:

  1. Creating a form displayed as an additional tab in a Microsoft Teams team
  2. Creating a Logic App that will be triggered when a new response is submitted from Microsoft Forms
  3. The Logic App will retrieve the two fields: email address and DID, then use a runbook in an Automation Account to configure the user

Before I begin, this post was written on June 5, 2022 when the Connect-MicrosoftTeams cmdlet has removed the -ApplicationId switch for defining a service principal with the AccessTokens authentication. I spent a full day going through pages of forum and blog posts to realize that none of the modules up to the current 4.4.1 works as Microsoft is still in the process of fixing it. Having exhausted all the avenues including Graph (it does not provide the functionality to configure anything outside of Teams at the moment), I decided use a regular user account with permissions and 2FA disabled. This is absolutely not best practice and I always discourage the use of non-Service Principals or Managed Identities for automation but there does not appear to be an alternate method.

With that, let’s get started!

Creating an embedded Microsoft Form in a Team

Begin by creating a Microsoft Teams Team that will host the Microsoft Form and click on the + sign in the tabs:


Click on the Forms icon:

Forms icon

Type in a name for the new form and click on the Save button:

should now

The new form should now be displayed and can be edited if you click on the fields:

should nows

With the form created, proceed to close the form in editing mode by click on the Edit | <Form name> and click on the Remove option:

Remove option

The message can be a bit misleading but proceed to remove it as we’ll be re-adding it back in:

removed, proceed

With the form removed, proceed to click on the + sign in the tab again:

the form icon again

Click on the form icon again:

Add an existing form

We will now use the Add an existing form option to add the form we had just created:

The form will now be in Fill mode (non editing):

the Logic App to

Obtain the Form ID

We will need the form ID for the Logic App to reference so navigate to, click on the top left corner tile button and then Forms:

will be displayed

The most recent for we created will be displayed but if the recent list contains other documents you have worked on that has pushed the form off the list then we can navigate to it by clicking on the team under My Groups:

form by clicking o

Proceed to open the form by clicking on it:

displayed in the browser,

With the form displayed in the browser, copy the URL and locate the string after the id= string and copy it:

e have th

Create the Logic App

Now that we have the form to collect the user input created, proceed to create a new Logic App:

ropriate field

appropriate fields for

Fill in the appropriate fields for the new Logic App:

e Logic App

Create the Logic App:

ogic App crea

With the Logic App created, proceed to navigate to the Logic app designer:

the Templates section

Scroll down to the Templates section and create a Blank Logic App:

will be discovered for steps

A new blank template will be discovered for steps to be configured:

Forms in the search

Type in Microsoft Forms in the search field and click on When a new response is submitted:

tenant to create a co

Sign into the tenant to create a connection to Microsoft Forms:

custom Value for the Form

Select Enter custom Value for the Form Id:

orm ID we co

Paste in the form ID we copied previously:


o create a new step

Proceed to create a new step, type in Get response details in the search field and select the action:

e in Get re

Paste in the previously copied form Id into the Form Id field and select List of response notifications Response ID for the Response ID field:

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save the Logic A

Proceed to save the Logic App:

tunately, co

Create Service Principal

I, unfortunately, could not get the Connect-MicrosoftTeams module to use a service principal for authentication but will include the instructions and update this post when it is fixed.

Navigate to App Registrations > New Registration:

name for the App Reg

Provide a name for the App Registration and click on Register:

client secret and document

Create a new client secret and document the following fields for the App Registration:

  • Application (client) ID
  • Object ID
  • Directory (tenant) ID
  • Secret ID
  • Secret

missions that are requi

ermissions that

I won’t include the permissions that are required as I’m not sure if the documentation will change when the module is fixed.

Create the Automation Account and Runbook

ount will need to

ion accoun


The automation account will need to store the credentials of the service principal that will run the Microsoft Teams cmdlets. Navigate to the Credentials blade and click on Add a credential:


Navigate to the Credentials blade and configure the App Registration / Service Principal credential that the PowerShell script will use to authenticate against Azure AD:

Add the service principal credentials.

**Note that for the purpose of this example, I actually put in a regular user account without 2FA as service principal authentication currently does not work with the Connect-MicrosoftTeams module:


The following screenshot shows the service principal credentials configured:

reference the

We’ll need to reference the tenant ID when the Service Principal authentication with Connect-MicrosoftTeams module works so I will include the steps to create the variable that will be called within the PowerShell script runbook:

works so I wi

ccount wi

ation Account wil

The Automation Account will not have the MicrosoftTeams module available by default so click on Browse gallery:


Search for MicrosoftTeams and install it:



ntials, v


hell fo

With the credentials, variable and module configured, we can now navigate to Runbooks to create a new runbook:

for R

Select PowerShell for Runbook type and 5.1 for Runtime version:

aste the fol

In the PowerShell Runbook paste the following code:



        Obtain email address and DID and enable user for Teams enterprise voice


        AUTHOR: Terence Luk

        LASTEDIT: June 4, 2022




  [Parameter (Mandatory= $true)]

  [String] $EmailAddress,

  [Parameter (Mandatory= $true)]

  [String] $DID


# Connect to Azure with App Registration Service Principal Secret

# Retrieve the App Registration credential (App ID and secret)

$spCredential = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name ‘Teams Administrator Account’

# Retrieve the Azure AD tenant ID

$tenantID = Get-AutomationVariable -Name ‘Tenant ID’

Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $spCredential

# Declare variables with for dial plan and voice routing policy (can also be passed by form)

$dialPlan = “Toronto”

$voiceRoutingPolicy = “Toronto”

# Convert DID to e164 format with ;ext= extension format

$extension = $DID.SubString($DID.length – 3, 3)

$e164 = “tel:+1” + $DID + “;ext=” + $extension

Write-Host “Teams DID value:” $e164

Set-CsUser -Identity $EmailAddress -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $true -LineURI $e164

Grant-CsTenantDialPlan -PolicyName $dialPlan -Identity (Get-CsOnlineUser $EmailAddress).SipAddress

Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity $EmailAddress -PolicyName $voiceRoutingPolicy

Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $EmailAddress | FL *uri*,*voice*,*dial*



Proceed to publish the runbook:

the Powe

You can test the PowerShell runbook by clicking start as it should ask you for the email address and DID values:

d. Proc

adding an ad

Complete configuring Logic App

With the Automation Account and Runbook configured, navigate back to the logic app to execute the Runbook when a form is submitted. Proceed by adding an additional step, search for Create Job and click on Create Job under Actions:

Create job step

Fill the values for the Create job step and ensure you configure the Runbook Parameter EmailAddress and Runbook Parameter DID with the form submission:

user usi

… and that should be it. A user using the form in the Microsoft Teams Team will not be able to configure a licensed user for Enterprise Voice. This automation can be expanded to assigning the appropriate license, other enterprise voice configuration such as dial plan and voice routing policy (these are hard coded in the example), approval, email notification and much more.

Form Demo

ps anyone wdemonstration

Hope this helps anyone who might be looking for a demonstration of this!