Launching Citrix XenDesktop 7.x StoreFront Receiver Web website throws the error: “Cannot complete your request.”


You attempt to access the Citrix XenDesktop 7.x StoreFront Receiver Web website directly but receive the following error:

Cannot complete your request

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One of the reasons why you would receive this error is if you have a mismatch between your Citrix StoreFront’s Base URL and the URL you are accessing the website with your browser:


Note that the Base URL configured in the StoreFront is http://zencont01srv/ while the browser URL used to access the website was http://zenstore01.srv.  To correct the problem, change the base URL to match the URL you are using to access the website in the browser.

4 Responses

  1. nice blog dear friend
    wishes for long time blogging

    I'm new to citrix
    please can u upload posts about citrix cloud platform & cloud portal/bridge

    thanks 🙂

  2. Thanks a lot. Although I know that incorrect base url can cause this issue, but at the time of my issue, I did not check carefully. After reading your post, I decided to recheck my base url and found that two characters are swapped and changing this fixed my issue.


  3. I would also like you all to know that this issue can also come up when SQL database connection has exceeded its limits.