Pre/Post tasks for P2V-ing a physical host to a virtual machine

Throughout the years that I’ve been involved with virtualizing environments, I’ve realized that there are actually many pre and post tasks that should be completed when virtualizing a physical host.  While I always had scattered notes that I referred to for these projects, it was not until 2 years ago when I combined mine with the notes of my current practice lead.  The following list probably doesn’t cover everything but should serve as a good start:

**Note: Sorry about the images.  I have the tables in an email but it doesn’t paste properly in Windows Live Writer.

Hot Cloning


Cold Cloning 


Cloning Process


Completion of Cloning




3 Responses

  1. Awesome. Saved me hours of extraction from my own brain 🙂 I only used the post P2V. Edited it slightly for my own needs and have it in a table if you would like it.

  2. Yes, I would like the total list please. Can you post a file? thanks to you… pjr