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You attempt to delete a desktop catalog in XenDesktop 5.6 Desktop Studio but receive the following error:
The Catalog could not be loaded due to the following errors:
Unable to find machine creation data for id a3c3cf25-1853-4bc7-87dd-23c937b44733
For more information about this error, select the main Desktop Studio node on the left and then click the Actions tab. For a possible solution, see CTX127068.
While I’ve only come across this issue once, the only way the Citrix support engineer was able to delete the catalog was through the PowerShell with the cmdlet:
Remove-BrokerCatalog -Name “Desktop Group Name”
2 Responses
i am getting this error…. but oly when i am trying to create the catalog… the position is set to 0…
what are your thoughts… any ideas?
Hey Frnd,
I am Trying to Create a scenario like
one VM over Which ERP software is Installed and this VM is need to be Access in China. so i am Using Vcenter Server with XenDesktop 5.6
But issue is the VM on which master Image is to created is Windows Server 2008 R2 so we cant install Virtual Desktop Deployment on Server 2008 R2.
and so in this Scenario Pooled Type is Better or Existing or Streamed.
Please do reply
Akshay INDIA