
Creating new Catalog in Desktop Studio intermittently fails with an error referencing the Citrix article CTX127068 or the error message: “An unhandled error was thrown by the service. The Machine Creation service could not start the task to copy the master virtual image, imageName, to the host storage, dataCenterName.”

Ran into an interesting issue a month ago just before my vacation when trying to create a new catalog with XenDesktop 5.5’s Desktop Studio where the creation would intermittently fail with an error referencing the


Launching a virtual desktop via Citrix Web Interface 5.4 using Citrix pass-through authentication throws the error: “An error occurred while making the requested connection.” With event ID 2100 logged on the DDC and event ID 30105 logged on the Web Interface server

Problem You have just configured pass-through authentication for your Citrix Web Interface 5.4 servers with the instructions demonstrated in the following video: How To: Configure Pass-Through Authentication with Web Interface 5.2http://www.citrix.com/tv/#videos/1405 … but noticed that