“Limited External Calling” through OCS 2007 R2 Edge Server after renewing certificates

As indicated in some of my earlier posts such as this one:

OCS 2007 R2: “Some calls to and from people outside of your corporate network may not connect due to server connectivity problems… ” message is intermittently displayed to MOC users but calls continue to work


Errors experienced with our MOC clients indicating that we have:

  1. Limited External Calling
  2. “Some calls to and from people outside of your corporate network may not connect due to server connectivity problems… ”

… can be caused by many different reasons and the following is yet another one of these examples.


You’ve recently renewed your OCS 2007 R2 certificates for all of your servers and external users who are Enterprise Voice enabled begin to see the following:


Limited External Calling


Clicking on the notification states the following:

“Some calls to and from people outside of your corporate network may not connect due to server connectivity problems… ”


Running validation on your front-end server throws the following warnings and errors:

TCP connect failed: x.x.x.x:5062 Error Code: 0x274d No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it x.x.x.x:5062


A/V Authentication Edge Server: Could not contact A/V Authentication Edge Server.

To resolve this error, check for the following

  1. The outbound proxy is reachable.
  2. The outbound proxy and A/V Authentication Edge Server are in trusted server list of each other.
  3. The outbound proxy and A/V Authentication Edge Server have valid certificates.
  4. Conference Server certificate is valid.
  5. A/V Authentication Edge Server Gruu is correct.



The solution’s will vary depending on what was done during the process of renewing the certificates but in our case, the services weren’t restarted after the new certificates were applied so all that was needed to be done was to restart the services.

Note: This can also be caused if your Edge services were stopped and you’ve in or VPN-ed into the corporate network:
