One of the key items I’ve been working on over the past week as a follow up to my previous post:
How to log the identity of a user using an Azure OpenAI service with API Management logging (Part 1 of 2)
… is to write a Python script that will read events as they arrive in an Event Hub, then send it over to a Log Analytics Workspace’s custom table for logging. The topology is as such:
The main reason why I decided to go with this method is because:
Tutorial: Ingest events from Azure Event Hubs into Azure Monitor Logs (Public Preview)
… required the Log Analytics workspace to be linked to a dedicated cluster or to have a commitment tier. The lowest price for such a configuration would be cost prohibitive for me to deploy in a lab environment so I decided to build this simple ingestion method.
Log Analytics Pricing Tiers:
I used various documentation available to create the script, create the App Registration, configure the Data Collection Endpoint and Data Collection Rule for the Log Analytics ingestion. Here are a few for reference:
Send events to or receive events from event hubs by using Python
Logs Ingestion API in Azure Monitor
Tutorial: Send data to Azure Monitor Logs with Logs ingestion API (Azure portal)
The script can be found at my GitHub repository here:
The following are some screenshots of the execution and output:
OpenAI API Call from Postman to API Management:
Script Execution and Output:
Log Analytics Ingestion Results:
I hope this helps anyone who might be looking for a script for the processing of events and ingestion to Log Analytics as it took me quite a bit of time on and off to troubleshoot various issues encountered. With this script out of the way, I am no prepared to finish up the 2 of 2 post for an OpenAI logging end to end solution, which I will be writing shortly.