As most of you may know, the Nexus 1000v VEM which resides on the ESX/ESXi hosts are automatically deployed if you have VMware Update Manager deployed and while I don’t recall implementing any vSphere deployments without VMware Update Manager, I thought it would be good to at least try it out during my current deployment so the following serves to show what it looks like.
Proceed with installing vSphere CLI on your preferred workstation or management server and open up Windows Explorer to the Nexus 1000v package or ISO you are deploying.
Navigate to the VEM folder:
Within this folder, you’ll see a series of packages. These packages actually correspond to versions of ESX/ESXi and to determine which package you should be using, please refer to the following page:
OR simply open it in your compression software:
In the environment I was deploying VEM, the hosts were ESXi 4.1.0 so the package I will be using is:
Once you’ve successfully determined which package you should be using, open up VMware vSphere CLI:
Then execute: -i -b c:folderWhereNexusIsStoredVEMzipPackageName –server someServer.domain.something
You’ll be asked for a user name with permissions and the installation will then proceed:
Nothing to it right? Now to verify the install, simply run the following command within vSphere CLI: -q –server serverFQDN