I’ve recently had to deploy a new VMware View 5.1 (build 928164) environment at a client who needed a remote desktop solution for a small office outside of Bermuda and as good as the deployment of the servers went, I noticed that the first linked clone pool I created with 20 desktops would fail with the following errors:
Error during provisioning: View Composer Fault: VC operation exceeded the task timeout limit of 0 mins set by View Composer
View Composer Fault: VC operation exceeded the task timeout limit set by View Composer (2030047)
Provisioning error occurred for Machine <desktopName: Cloning failed for Machine
A quick search on the internet lead me to the following KB:
Provisioning View desktops fail with the error: View Composer Fault: VC operation exceeded the task timeout limit set by View Composer (2030047)
… where it explains that the reason why this error is thrown is because there is a default timeout value that View Composer waits before starting the configuration of the VDIs. While the KB doesn’t explicitly mention the timeout value, from the timestamps I get with the replica cloning process, it looks like it’s 60 minutes:
As per the KB’s instructions, I went ahead and opened the directory C:Program Files (x86)VMwareVMware View Composer on the vCenter (where I installed View Composer) and looked for the SviWebService.exe.config file:
What I noticed was that if I attempt to open the file, I would receive a Access is denied. message:
So following the instructions of the KB, I went ahead and stopped the VMware View Composer service:
… then tried to open the file again:
… but I still got a access is denied message. So from here, I went ahead and made a copy of the file in the same directory, renamed the original one that I couldn’t open to a different name, then renamed the copied version to the original name. After completing the file copies and renames, I managed to open the file:
I then located the line:
<VirtualCenter PropertyCollectorTimeout=”60″ />
… and changed it to:
<VirtualCenter PropertyCollectorTimeout=”60″ VcTaskTimeout=”120″ />
Start the View Composer service again:
Note that I found a forum post I found had users indicating that the maximum amount available was 90 minutes but I couldn’t verify this because the cloning process on the SAN I was working with completed in 63 minutes after I changed this value.
In any case, as happy as I was to get through this issue, the other 3 View environments I manage for clients does not take an hour to clone a 40GB master template to create the replica so I went ahead to asked the client as to why their SAN is providing sub-optimal performance and the response I received was that I put on slower near line SAS disks which would go to explain the numbers I recorded while monitoring the cloning process when I was on the slow LUN:
- 5 mins for 1.5GB
- 23mins for 8GB
- 28min for 10GB
- 38 mins for 16GB
- 54 mins for 19GB
The client later moved me back to proper fibre channel drive which immediately improved the performance to
- 2 mins for 10GB
- 5 mins for 21GB
Definitely much better.