Communications Server “14” and the “Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Global Settings dilemma”

Day 1 – Module 02

During all of my deployments since OCS 2007 R2 was out, I’ve always recommended to clients with OCS 2007 R1 to move their global settings as per the following document found here: I won’t dwell into the benefits for this as the document clearly explains why but back when I was making these recommendations, my justification was that if you don’t move it now, if Microsoft’s future OCS versions are affected drastically, more effort will be required to move them (through import and export of settings). I actually ran into a nightmare-ish issue during one of my deployments which I will blog sometime in the future on how to resolve a failed global settings move.

So I’m at Communications Server wave “14” training in Arizona and the MCS consultant says the reliant on these settings have been de-emphasized due to the settings being stored in CMS. Unfortunate but at least I won’t have to worry about migrating these settings in the future if I ever have to do a R1 to R2 migration.