DistributedCOM Event ID: 10016 error logged on Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit
I was recently made aware that Event ID: 10016 errors were logged on a server every time it was rebooted and was asked to have a look at it to see if I could quickly
I was recently made aware that Event ID: 10016 errors were logged on a server every time it was rebooted and was asked to have a look at it to see if I could quickly
The cold clone process when using the VMware Convert Cold Boot CD is pretty straight forward but in case anyone out there who haven’t tried using it before and would like to know what it
It’s not surprised that there are still plenty of legacy servers out there that dates back more than 5 years ago and I find that I frequently come across servers that have storage RAID controllers
The error message you see may vary as I find that other text tends to overlap the error message such as this which was displayed on one of our servers when you hit the ALT+F11
We have a window planned over the weekend to virtualize a few old physical Dell servers so I while preparing the documents and software we needed, I realized that the last cold clone WinPE boot
As with OCS 2007 R2, there are plenty of reasons why a call would fail so please be aware that this is one of the many reasons why. Problem You’re connected to your Lync Server
Ran into common problem that other administrators have probably come across the other day when I was migrating some old ESX 3.5 hosts to a new vCenter where I get the following error: The license
While troubleshoot the issues I had with a VMware ESXi cluster: https://blog.terenceluk.com/2011/01/vmware-esxi-40-update-2-slow-boot-up.html https://blog.terenceluk.com/2011/01/vmware-esxi-41-slow-boot-up-seemingly.html https://blog.terenceluk.com/2010/10/slow-boot-up-times-on-esxi-41-do-you.html https://blog.terenceluk.com/2010/10/problem-when-upgrading-from-esx-35-to.html … I’ve noticed that the VMware KB article: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1016106 wasn’t clear on what variables existed in which ESXi version so
For those who have come across my previous post yesterday: VMware ESXi 4.1 slow boot up seemingly stuck at: vmw_vaaip_netapp, vmkibft, vmfs3 modules / processes https://blog.terenceluk.com/2011/01/vmware-esxi-41-slow-boot-up-seemingly.html … because the host I ran into the problem
For those who have come across one of my earlier posts a few months back: Experiencing slow boot up times during an update from ESX 3.5 to ESX/ESXi 4.0 or 4.1? Check your RDMs https://blog.terenceluk.com/2010/10/slow-boot-up-times-on-esxi-41-do-you.html
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