You attempt to launch a XenDesktop 5.5 or 5.6 desktop through an NetScaler VPX Access Gateway but receive the following error message from the Citrix Receiver:
Unable to launch your application. Contact your help desk with the following information: Cannot connect to the Citrix XenApp server.
Protocol Driver error
While this error message can be caused by various reasons, the first to check should be the following KB:
Case Study: The Protocol Driver Error is displayed when starting an Application through Access Gateway Enterprise Edition in the ICA Proxy Mode
… to determine whether you have maxed out your concurrent user sessions configured on the Access Gateway as shown in the following:
Access –> Gateway –> Change authentication settings
Note that you can also check to see how many active user sessions there are by navigating to:
Access Gateway –> Active user sessions
I’ve also come across the situation where the NetScaler had no active sessions but was still suing evaluation licenses so when I went ahead to put the permanent licenses on, the error went away.